Re: Cost of Alice Springs to Darwin.

Terry Burton (
Tue, 26 Aug 1997 08:11:25 GMT (Terry Burton) wrote:
>Some figures for the Alice to Darwin Line.

>The line will be about 1440 k/ms long.
>Substantial cuttings and earthworks will be required for the
>first 20 k/ms out through the hills North of Alice Springs.
>BUT the last 320 k/ms from Katherine to Darwin will not only
>require an estimated 320 million cubic metres of earthworks but

Woops.!........ the 320 million cubic metres of earthworks is
incorrect (that's my fault), the Tarcoola to Alice line had 7
million cubic metres, and I have a number of articles on the
Alice to Darwin construction that range from 3 to 11 million, we
may have to wait for a more accurate figure on that one.


Alice Springs NT