Re: About Photographing on the NYC Subway

Geoff Lambert (
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 05:25:04 GMT (C. Dewick) wrote:

>In <> mkortlander* (Marc ) writes:

>>AFAIK it is indeed against the law to take pictures, including videos
>>on the NJTPK without a permit. There was an incident with a channel 9
>>news crew doing a story on speeding (possibly speeding troopers)
>>anyhow they got stopped and(with the tape running) were told that they
>>cannot tape on the TPK , even taping from a moving vehicle is

>I have no idea where or what the NJ turnpike is. Can someone describe, or
>'draw' it,

Runs SouthWest from just across the Hudson from Manhattan, down
towards Philadelphia.

>and explain why no still or motion footage is allowed to be
>captured there?

No, but on the Garden State Parkway, which is not too far away, there
was once (1975?) a fuss about a TV news story which poked fun at the
Parkway's green-painted concrete walls. "Parkways" in New Jersey are
supposed to be surrounded by trees.... this one was surrounded by
concrete, so they painted the concrete green in an attempt to create
the illusion of trees! (true). The Governor was displeased that the
TV channel was taking the mickey out of his parkway and threatened to
ban further TV crews. This only made things worse, of course.

Geoff Lambert