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Re: AP to Darwin on hold "YET AGAIN"

Luke Watson wrote in message <3ac1e129_3@news01.one.net.au>...
>Well apparently tonight the SA Parliament has passed a bill allowing SA
>Taxpayers money to give the $26million to the Line. So hopefully that damn
>thing will now be built and we will not hear anymore on again off again
>http://www.geocities.com/lukeydotcom (Adelaide Rail Website)

Read page 2 'The Australian' Thu March 29 under the headings:-
"Taxpayers to bail out rail scheme"
"How the loan unravelled"  &
"Southern Libs come to the rescue of the north"

This line will not pay for itself, but was the Trans-Australian line ever
intended to be
profitable?  It was built for political purposes at taxpayer expense.

Maybe the same is happening all over again.

The Trans line was a remarkable feat.  1100 miles over inhospitable
population barren country, built in 5 years 1912-1917,  part of it built
during World War I.

Like all economic predictions, the proof will be in the pudding!
