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Access to Aus.rail through web....the sequel

To all Aus.railers

I'm back to annoy everyone! Nah, only kidding. MailandNews has FINALLY 
finsihed restoring and fixing its servers after a vey long line of problems!
All MailandNEws users to get to this Ng would have been stranded because of 
the problem including myself!

Just a week ago or two, I tried using Newsone.net, suggested to me by 
with the signature,  so I did.
I was nearly gonna try using that server til MailandNews gets back BUT when 
tried posting my message (about problems accessing newsgroups!) the server 
would not accept "FREE-Email Addresses"!! (i.e. Hotmail!) 
so I was back, stranded on the island because my life-line rejected me :-(

Again I must appeal, any other GOOD (!!) websites on the internet that I can 
use to access and post messages here that would simply be very appreciative!

Maikha "V" Ly
P.S. As Newsone.net mentions, 'Anonymous Posting', I simply don't like the 
sound of that in-case any troll (Or that stalker stalking me) wants to cause 
us misery !

"Behind every troll on newsgroups, is a human being, in a house, on a 
computer" (Maikha Ly)