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Re: Connex Comengs

Paul Hambleton <P.Hambleton@bom.gov.au> wrote in article 

>When the Comengs are refurbished, does the work include the running gear,
>traction motors etc?
>This morning I saw (and heard!) a Connex set at Glenferrie with 647M
>sounding very secondhand indeed.

The only work done at Ballarat is the prescribed refurbishment, e.g. 
interior, exterior. Running gear, traction motors are done as required at 
other times.

647M was the lead carriage of the first train involved in the Holmesglen 
collision last year. 647M-T-590M (first of four sets at Holmesglen), 
together with 563M-T-564M (last of four sets at Holmesglen) are both back 
in service, both refurbished.


(To email me just remove ".spam" off my email address).

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