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[Melb] Burnley Tunnel closure

Today and yesterday I have been reading in the online Age about the
closure of the new Burnley toll tunnel because of water and shifting.
The articles have mentioned the traffic problems this has caused.

But there has been no mention of what the closure has done to the trams.
All the articles have been about the longer trips for private motorists.

The 8-Toorak and 70-Wattle Park routes are directly affected by this.
Kennett even had some deal to abolish clearways in Toorak Rd to slow
down the No 8 trams when that tunnel opened, to encourage tram
passengers into their cars. The "dynamic fairway" of the Bracks regime
that was supposed to help the 8 trams despite Kennett's sordid deal has
failed to eventuate.

Can anyone say what the effect on the trams has been with this closure?


David McLoughlin
Auckland New Zealand