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Re: Transport ticket system collapses

"Mike Alexander" <malex @ bigfoot com> wrote in message
> Having a chat to the repair man at Windsor station the other morning
> what seems like the thousandth time these machines have been jammed) he
> stated that it is the same guy at Windsor who keeps doing it, and that
> have him on video. He has been handed to the police on a number of
> occassions, and they just give him a slap over the wrist, and he's back
> again the next day.

So what's the deal? Aren't One Link pursuing charges? Does the guy try to
steal money, or just to stop the machine working?

> The basic design doesn't seem too bad, given the very few on-tram machines
> that I see jammed up. I really wonder what the ratio of "genuine" faults
> compared to faults caused by vandals?

Yep. Put it this way - when was the last time you saw a machine at a staffed
station that wasn't working?

Then again, vandals have to be part of the equation, and the machines should
have been designed with this in mind.

Daniel Bowen, Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne public transport FAQ http://www.custard.net.au/melbtrans/