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Re: Purchasing Old Signals (NSW)

"Terry Benaud" <t_benaud@my-deja.com> wrote in message
> Can you purchase old lower quadrant signals from State Rail. I think
> one would look great in my front yard.
Just be mindful of the fact that once you get them home they are quite huge,
obtrusive in fact once erected. Myself and some club members purchased some
lattice somersault signals from Euroa @$10.00 per signal, cut them up to our
desired length, and carted them home. I made some modifications to mine, Eg
producing a calling on type arrangement, and erected it in the front yard.
However was not satisfied because of its dominance. So I placed it in the
back yard, thus blending in with the garden surrounds which looked fantastic
once painted. If you have some reasonable size trees or shrubs out front go
for it as it blends in well with garden surrounds. I have also resorted to
constructing a replica 3 position semaphore out of exhaust tube standing
2.5m high, attaching my letter box to it. so when the postie comes they pull
the lever, "wella" my rail mags have arrived.