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Re: Spam - Snow white

Michael McDonald <michael.and.colleen.mcdonald@xtra.co.nz> wrote in
article <uz6d6.2103$4a.67567873@news.xtra.co.nz>: 

>Whoops ... sent reply to author instead of group!
>Contrary to what you have said, a virus/worm is most likely to come from
>someone you know, as the email address comes from the transmitter's
>address book.  The exception to this is where transmitter and receiver
>are part of a large organisation (thus very large address book).  I've
>had many cases of the latter on my work computer very recently, and the
>only viruses I have received on my personal computer have come from

In my case, every single copy of this virus I have recieved has gone to 
usenet.spam@gunzel.net and not my real address. I only post using 
usenet.spam@gunzel.net when I'm posting to newsgroups. All mail to this 
address gets filed to a mailbox named appropriately "spam". I've notice 
some spambots though have been intelligent enough to post something to the 
address minus ".spam".


(To email me just remove ".spam" off my email address).

Whip me, Beat me, just don't Windows ME