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RE: M>Train Refurbs

>> On a related topic (being from WA) I'm suprised that they allow eating on
>> Melbourne trains.
>They can't stop people putting their feet on seats - they'd have no chance
>of stopping people eating now.

They tried about 10 years ago. The PTUA stopped them.

>> would be liable if a
>> half-blind passenger slipped on one and injured themselves (Vaughan???).
>Blind. Not half-blind. I'm half-blind, and have no problems seeing.

Probably. Having assorted flotsam and jetsam on the floor of the train, if 
someone slipped on it, the train co is probably liable. (Australian Safeway 
Stores v Zalousna, I think)

Vaughan Williams
Public Transport Users Association
247 Flinders Lane
Melbourne 3000