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[Vic] R711 and Steamrail tour to Bacchus Marsh

I waited just north of the first level crossing just west of Sunshine
station this morning. The first train showed up was R711 transfer to
Ballarat East (10:25) with:

R711+S302+an economic class carriage. Nothing cooler then watching R711
accelerates :-) hmmm the pwoerful sound and whistle and the steam......:-)

Half an hour later a lonely one car Bacchus Marsh bound Sprinter(1055
ex-SSS) quickly pass through where i stood. I was imgaing what would be like
when the Fast Train project completes..........

20 minutes later, Steamrail's Bacchus March picnic train hauled by K class
with beautiful red vintage carriages speed through the place.

The headboard at the end of the train looks pretty good:-)
