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Re: standardising Victoria

Michael <usenet.spam@gunzel.net> wrote in message
> Arthur Marsh <mars0177@flinders.edu.au> wrote in article
> <39f9702f_2@news.chariot.net.au>:
> >Tailem Bend to Loxton and Tailem Bend to Pinaroo was converted to SG.
> >Pinaroo to the first grain siding on the Victorian side of the border
> >has been closed but not pulled up AFAIK.
> How far west can Victorian trains venture on the Pinaroo branch these
> 9137 ventures as far as Cowangie as far as I knew.
Panitya, approximately 1.25 miles before the border (according to my 1934
Railway Map of Victoria!), is the last station on the Victorian side and is
still open for as required grain traffic.  Indeed the line is probably still
officially open to the baulk on the actual border itself.  Last year,I think
it was, Steamrail operated a special right up to the Highway level crossing
which was about 100 yards short of the border baulk.  The flashing lights on
the crossing were activated halting the V/Line Link bus service from
Adelaide, creating a very good photo opportunity!  The train then pushed
back the mile or so to Panyita for the run around.


John Kerley