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Re: Worth upgrading from 95? - Is Windows ME for Me or You?

"Michael Wierzbinski" <wizzer1865NOSPAM@optusnet.com.au> wrote in message

> wizzer1865NOSPAM@optusnet.com.au
> Remove NOSPAM to reply

Hi Michael - if you are going to mung your email address, you are better to
place the mung in the domain, i.e. after the "@" - the reason for this is
that if someone spams your current address, it will make it to the Optusnet
mail server, which will then generate a bounce message - so two emails have
gone around, as well as generating work for the Optusnet server. Two emails
do not sound like much, but if you add it all up, it is considerable.

If you place the mung AFTER the "@" it will not leave the spammers mail
server, as it could not find a valid domain. So we have immediately removed
two emails from the net, and cut down on server work.

Again, two emails aren't a lot, but if you add it all up, it is
