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Re: SEMI OT - Reduce Stress, Blow Up Your Desktop


The Mental Coast?

Ooops they have Garbages too............

You obviously didn't understand a NSW reference to a weekend incident.

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James C. wrote in message <8sgo54$sio$1@nnrp1.deja.com>...
|In article <39ebdddf@news.iprimus.com.au>,
|  "Erk" <erk@erkV69.au.com> wrote:
|> If you want a cool free program that does some funky things to your
|> (like shoot machine guns at it), go to
|> http://www.download.com  and do a search for "Desktop".
|> Now to bring it back on topic: if you have a Tangara on your desktop
|you can
|> shoot at it with a machine gun, hit it with a flame thrower, smash it
|with a
|> hammer, run termites on them, cut it up with a chainsaw and then wash
|> clean (if you want). If of the pesky termites could be wearing ties
|> they get blown up.............................
|> You really need sound for this one to have maximum effect.
|Eric....time to take some medicine....or move to somewhere without
|Tangara(or 4D) like Brisbane, Adelaide or Perth:-).
|Railway Rasputin
|Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
|Before you buy.