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Re: [VIC] Dandenong Line Yesterday

Samuel Eades <seades@bigpond.net.au> wrote in message

> > At some level crossings police were telling trains when to stop and go.
> > believe this may have been because many cars were still tryng through
> > crossing, and many pedestrians (in particular school children) were
> > crossing.
> Police are DEFIANTLY not allowed to regulate rail traffic. That has to be
> done by an employee (e.g.. a flagman, signaller) with the appropriate
> Safeworking qualifications, obeying the correct regulations.

It struck me as quite odd too, a police officer telling a train driver when
to go and when not to go.

I guess however, it was because

a)  Some cars drove through the level crossing against the police directions


b) the large number of school children crossing the pedestrian crossing.

When you look at it from a safety issue angle, it makes a tad sense,
regardless of whether the police shouldn't have been doing it.