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Re: NSW train drivers still in dark over track workers

gunzel412@dingoblue.gunzel.net.au (B.) wrote in

>>> With the way some trackworkers wander around the running line
>>> they seem to think that there safety vest makes them immortal.
>But they do.... You must try it one day...

Yes. I heard trains bounce straight off the orange vests. They used to
off the yellow vests, but the laws of physics changed on July 1, thence a
yellow vest is now deemed unsafe. 

>> You sure they're trackworkers?
>Maybe they're overpriced consulting engineers?

Conslutants? Do they even know what a railway is?

>> Some gunzels can be like that.
>Then of course you have the general public who just want a photo
>of the pretty choo choo train.

NSW seems full of em.


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