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Re: New Zig Zag track construction

Chris Downs wrote:
> You can't join the old formation (heading west) from the Clarence Colliery
> road unless you have a 4WD.  The colliery road cuts across the old line's
> formation on a grade and whatever form of crossing used requires
> considerable works to move the colliery road.  There is no simple (or cheap)
> solution to this problem. (this is from observations last Sunday).

>From the Zig Zag's Clarence Station car park, it's not too hard to find
the old railway formation heading east and crossing the Glowworm
Tunnel/timber Road and into a cutting. The long, straight-walled cutting
is reasonably easy to follow but can contain long, squishy pools of
water that are potential bog traps for the unwary driver. One progresses
along this for approx. 1.5 Km(?) until it opens out onto a steep, rocky
eroded slope down onto the Clarence Colliery Road. From this high
vantage point can be seen the Main West on the other side of the
colliery road. Most will gingerly turn around here. :)

It's hard to figure how the original builders got the railway down to
Newnes Junction from here. No doubt that the excavations for the
Colliery Road took out a lot of the relevant countryside, but it's going
to be quite a challenge for the ZZR's contractors remake it.





"I think, therefore I am........I think."
Arthur C. Clarke