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[VIC] Peter J. Vincent Website

The website has been updated with a new wallpaper image.
The image is 640 pixels wide. Those wishing a larger wallpaper should
send an email.

The new image topic is called "ZL vans", with a selection of van details
and lettering found in the collection. The images are 300 pixels x 500
pixels. This is sufficient to see the subject of the image.

Those wishing to possess higher quality images should email the author
to discuss payment.

As with the Collection index, material is provided with a five digit
identification, as "AB123", for easy reference.

Peter J. Vincent

Website ............ http://www.netspace.net.au/~pjv101/index.htm
Collection index ... http://www.netspace.net.au/~pjv/fts/index.htm
Location index ..... http://www.netspace.net.au/~pjv/fts/fts_017.htm