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Re: [VIC] Yearly Flashing (This concerns Metcards repeat METCARDS!)

> If more people were prepared to pay their correct fare rather than
> ripping off the system then this supidity would not occur. Face it...
> if there were NO ticket checks anywhere or automatic barriers... how
> many people would buy a ticket or pay a fare. 2% maybe? The proble
> lies with a dishonest majority making life difficult for a honest
> minority.

The problem lies with a dysfunctional ticketing system and poorly
trained people with police-like powers (who think, wrongly, that they
have even greater power than police).

Of course you need a ticket checking mechanism. You also need to make
the system really good - and reliable - so that more people will be
inclined to pay for it. I know a few people who don't pay, but its not
from outright dishonesty, its merely because they resent handing over
money for a service that is then not delivered or not up to standard
(dirty, overcrowded, whatever)

In any shop or library or whatever where you don't have some sort of
security mechanism the reality is that stock will walk out the door.
Can ANYONE on this list say they wouldn't be tempted to lift the odd
item or not pay a fare or whatever if there was no supervision?

The best way to do it is to make ticket checking incidental to the role
of staff on the system. Conductors, Station staff, and so on. And if
you are going to have ticket inspectors then for f'ks sake call them
ticket inspectors. Don't insult everyone's intelligence with trite
remarks like "customer service employees are here to help you"


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