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Re: Glenbrook Driver cleared (newspaper article)

"Chris" <csinn@netlink.com.au> wrote in message

[...snipped because you know I am wrong and I know you are wrong...]

> And thanks for not calling me a dole bludger, I work in public transport
> and have for 13 years. And even if I was on the dole, so what, whats it
> of your buisness. If a person can not find work they are entitled to
> receive welfare.

Where did I say it was my business what you do? I made the accusation (and I
stand by it) that you want the government to look out for everyone, that
everything we do wrong is not our fault, it is the fault of the government
and they should do something so that we don't do the wrong thing. There are
many people who believe this way, and responsible service of alcohol is just
one such manifestation of it.

However, I wanted to be careful that my comment was not construed as an
accusation of dole bludging, hence the comment that I made.

As for people who "can not find work they are entitled to receive welfare"
these are not dole bludgers, I was thinking of the ones who can but won't
find work (in the minority).
