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Yarra Tram Info

A friend gave me a copy of the currnet EBA for Yarra Trams, and it
makes interesting reading for passengers

A few of the things included are

Real Time Information
This project requires Yarra Trams to develop and install a minimum of
35 Real Time Information displaysthroughout the network.   The intent
is to provide our customers, at major locations, with details of the
"next tram" where multiple services operate along the same track

Traffic Management
This project involves a detailed study and evaluation of our entire
network to identify issues/areas where our services can be improved.
It must impove the quality of our service - improve safety, running
times and reliability.   Once this study has been completed action
plans will be prepared that will aim to connect the limitations

Box Hill Extension
Yarra Trams are contracted to build an extension to route 109
extending the track to the Box Hill Mall with the addition of Tram
Stops and terminus

Victoria Gardens
This is a realignment project for the Track along Victoria Street

Yarra Shop
Yarra Trams will establish a retail shop outlet

Reward Club
Thsi is a "club" where those who register and are considered frequent
customers may be rewarded for their loyalty

Park & Ride
This project involves provision of safe parking facilities to our
customer.  These facilities will be in a close proximity to the tram
network and will encourage the car user to change their habit of
driving into the city to that of diving to a Park & Ride facility and
to travel the rest of the way on the tram

Revenue Protection Unit
Yarra trams will estabish a Revenue Protection Unit to perform the
Revenue Protection Function by a dedicated taskforce of Revenue
PRotaction Officers covering a seven day, 24 hour public transport

Yarra Trams will introduce a new uniform to enchance the appearance of
the New Revenue Protectin Unit as well as giving a level of
independance.  There is a specific need to show a striking difference
between Revenue Protection Officers and Customer Service Officers,
including Traffic Management


This is copied "word for word" from the Enterprise Agreement, but I
took out the crap that was not relevent (such as putting a picture of
Jeff Kennett on the front of each tram :)
As you can see it is also lacking in detail and makes me ask more
questions than it answers!