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This little program is wrecking havoc in the Caribbean. 
It's simplicity and the honesty of it's members will make it work for every one.

Follow the steps below, and in Two (2) weeks, You will have over US$20,000. 
 It's a Very LOW one time investment, and people do not pass up the 
opportunity because of the massive profit it generates.


1.     Loan one person ten US dollars (US$10.00).  That's it!  There's no 
finance charges or repaying the loan.  It's so easy to do you re-enter the
 cycle time after time after time.  
2.  There is a list consisting of two (2) persons below. On a sheet of paper
 write your name, address and a note  Saying  "Loan approved!" Wrap it around 
the ten dollar bill and send it to the first name on the list below.  Remember,
 only the first name gets your name and the ten dollars ($10.00).
2.  Remove that person from the list and move the other name up to the #1 Position.
3.  Add your name and address to the list in the #2 position.
4.  Send this e-mail out (After you've made your changes) to as many prospects as 
you care to  IMMEDIATELY!!
That's it!! When your name reaches the #1 Position in about a week (Or less) it will 
be your turn to receive the loans!  They will be sent to you by 2,000 Honest people 
like yourself, who are willing to invest $10.00 in someone and receive an added bonus
 of approximately $20,000.00 plus! 
Your money will come to you fast and furious, because there are only two names on the list.

I know you are saying "Oh, this is one of those programs"  and you may be right. 
 The difference is, This has 2 levels as opposed to 6 or 7 so your returns arrive 
much faster and this one works!!

If the Caribbean people can invest their money in this program (US$10.00 to them can 
mean $20.00 to $60.00 in their currency)  Why can't you!!

It does work, and you can repeat it over, and over, and over.  There's nothing to stop you! 
Imagine what would happen if you sent this out to 500, or 1,000 prospective people??

1    J. Brown
     281 Waimairi Road
     Christchurch, 8004
     New Zealand

2.   Linda Jay
     7476 Harvest Village Ct.
     Navarre, Fl.32566

If we are all Honest and show some integrity, we will all Profit.  The people who 
participated in this program have received approximately $18,000.00 to $20,000.00.
 Regular mail can be used also for this program and for US residents, it complies 
with Title 18 Section 1302 of the Postal & Lottery Code.

Businesses can enter too!
