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Re: Connex Idiots

Morphet <morphet@optusnet.com.au> wrote in message
> One would think that this would be an opportunity to impress these
> passengers and maybe get some return business, but can Mr Connex
> please tell me how you are going to impress anybody when you run 3
> carriage trains during one of the busy times of the year, and have
> people hanging out the window.

It's also a very good time of year to terminate all Burnley Group services
at Flinders Street, instead of running around the loop (as is the case on
Sunday 17 December).

> It was really nice Mr Connex when we went past Camberwell Station (and
> Ringwood...and Bayswater) and saw all those nice trains sitting empty
> in the sidings, at least I assume they were sitting there...it was
> quite hard to see anything apart from the armpit of that guy who seems
> to never wear deodorant (does he follow me around, or is there more
> than one of them??)

...the smashed window on my Hitachi on Wednesday afternoon prevented any
armpit smell whatsoever funking out the carriage...

> Mr Connex, you have got to do more basic things to get more passengers
> then paint your trains and give yourself a name change.

Call 131638.  Hearing someone say "uh...um, sorry OK" will fix EVERYTHING :)