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Re: WA fast rail and Perth airport relocation

"David Bromage" <dbromage@fang.omni.com.au> wrote in message
> There was a short item on ABC Newsradio this morning about a suggestion to
> relocate Perth airport out of the suburbs. A new airport would be built
> south of Perth, possibly near Dandalup, and would be linked to Fremantle
> and Perth by a fast electric train "like the one to London's Heathrow
> airport". The cost of the new airport and rail link would be more than
> offset by the sale of the existing airport land.
> The item was thin on detail and there's nothing on the ABC web site. Have
> any sand gropers heard anything about this? Dandalup is less than an hour
> from Perth on the existing Australind, so a 160km/h express could more or
> less halve this.

As opposed to 10 to 15 minutes from the current one. They've really gotta stop
idiots from building houses near airports.