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Re: Siege Mentality? (was Re: RTM 19th Century Treasures)


To take your questions one at a time...

> Isn't K Jones getting a wage or allowance from members funds?

Not a single cent. He is reimbursed for expenses only.

> Or does he have another job?

No, he works full time for DSRM

>  What happens when a member calls in his loan and the museum is unable to

Obviously, the Museum does not keep large amounts of money in the bank to be
able to pay back loans. Where loans are made to enable an item to be
purchased, the appeal for funds for that item remains open until sufficient
donations are received, and the loans are repaid. Often the member chooses
to leave the loan with the Museum for another purpose. Many loans are
eventually converted to donations.

Where a member has a sizeable loan, there is usually adequate warning given
that the loan is to be called in. Allowances are then made in the budget to
enable the loan to be repaid in the time specified. The ultimate fall back
is to borrow the money from a bank. DSRM owns 53 acres outright, so there is
collateral which can be offered. To the best of my knowledge this has never
happened in practice.
