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Aus loco discussion mailing list

The major differences between the CLP and CLF are as follows

Max speed for CLF/ALF is 130 km/h (gear ration of 60:17) versus 140 for a
CLP (59:18)

CLF/ALF's have a slighty higher tractive effort of 315 kn at 22 km/h versus
293 kn at 23 km/h for CLP.

Overall weights vary.  ALF = 128 tonnes.  CLF = 124 tonnes.  CLP = 132 tonnes.

Other than the above the CLF/CLP are identical ( apart from external
carbody variations, which is another story again ), also as already
mentioned,the CLP's have two HEP units fitted to the rear of the carbody.

Does any body know if these units have had the MK Micro processors removed
and GM type fitted since they are now maintained by Clyde ??

Stephen Molloy

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